
Dale Ralph Davis Sermons

Sometime last year I posted a link to Dale Ralph Davis’ sermons online. Since then the link to the sermons he preached at Aisquith Presbyterian Church has changed. Below you will find the original post with the new link:

Here is the link to sermons that Dale Ralph Davis preached during his time (1988-1993) at Aisquith Presbyterian Church in Parkville, MD . Currently, Rev. Davis is the Pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, MS. You can find his recent sermons here. Dr. Davis is also well known for his Old Testament Commentaries, published in the Christian Focus series. The set includes his commentary on Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings. I would also recommend this book for any preacher of the Gospel.

3 Responses

  1. My wife and I are currently serving in a fairly remote area on the central western side of Ethiopia, bordering on South Sudan. We keenly feel the lack of hearing sermons in our own language and are currently looking for sermons in English. The internet bandwidth here is poor, so we were hoping to find these sermons while in the US. Is there a way to purchase these sermons other than downloading them? Say on disk? We could have them mailed to an address in Pittsburgh.

  2. Knox Swayze

    Hi. You mentioned above that there is a link to the sermons that Dale Ralph Davis preached during his time (1988-1993) . I am having trouble locating it. Could you send it to me please? Thank you. Knox

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