
Support Our Family in Christ in Haiti

Presbyterian Mission in Haiti (PMI) is asking that financial support for the relief of our churches in Haiti be sent to Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church. If you find yourself wanting to help in some way but do not want to simply send money to an organization you know nothing about, know that PHM and the pastors there need help now more than ever. In the wake of this massive catastophe, our pastors need all the support they can get to minister the Gospel. This is Haiti’s greatest need. PMH is a faithful Reformed Presbyterian group that has been helping organize and support Charles Amicy, Leon Amicy and Octavius Delfils in the spread of the Gospel in Haiti. I went to seminary with Leon and Octavius and know what committed and faithful men they are. They desperately need our help now. If you would like to give financially to PMH so that they have funds to use for the relief of earthquake victims, make checks payable to WRPC and please write “PMH-Earthquake Relief” on the memo line. Mail the checks to Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church at 2519 Woodruff Rd, Simpsonville, SC 29681, Please consider how you can provide physical and spiritual relief to our family in Christ in Haiti.

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