
Thomas Chalmers on Mercy Ministry and the Gospel

Last year I began a series of posts on “Pitfalls in Mercy Ministry.” One of the posts dealt with the work of Thomas Chalmers. Chalmers influence cannot be emphasized enough. One of the specific areas to which he contributed a considerable amount of practical theology was that of deaconal ministry. Here is a previous post dealing with some of Chalmers’ thoughts on mercy ministry. Michael Ives, over at West Port Experiment, has some extremely helpful posts on Chalmers and deaconal ministry. Ives argues that Chalmers is not more widely appreciated today in circles that emphasize mercy ministry due to the evangelical nature of his ministry. Chalmers always put the Gospel at the center of his ministry. The following three posts are the most relevant:

A Practical Pietist Part 1
A Practical Pietist Part 2
A Practical Pietist Part 3

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