
Ian Hamilton Sermons

If you have never heard sermons by Ian Hamilton you are missing out on a great spiritual blessing. Iain is the minister of Cambridge Presbyterian Church in Cambridge, England. I find his sermons to be an outstanding example of substantive, passionate, Christ-centered, applicatory, textual, expositional preaching. He really is one of the best preachers in the church today. If you are looking for someone to listen to, or are in the process of preparing a sermon series, I highly recommend you take the time to listen to some of his sermons. You can find them all here.

2 Responses

  1. Are you looking for strong doctrinal exposition, beautifully delivered in a majestic and lyrical style? Have a slice of Christian preaching from this brilliant man of god, Ian Hamilton. The bio at the top of this page expresses it better than I can, but I agree with every word. I am a relatively new Christian (four years since being born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit), and my current ministry work revolves around my YouTube channel “TheSharperSword” (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEEJ6P4CXH4i_RNNPVr05Lg) where my goal is to draw attention to the most excellent preachers from around the world, to those rare, sincere, and talented Christian men who, although they might lack popularity on the internet they are more worthy of your time and attention than most of the popular sources of teaching that one finds on the most popular audio and video hosting platforms. Having recently found Ian Hamilton on SermonAudio.com, I am currently going through his entire catalog of published works and I place him among the top cadre worldwide. He has a distinct and irresistible combination of passion and wisdom with strong messages that are edifying for maturing Christians, for those who are born again and biblically literate but are seeking deeper understanding of the Bible. Have a listen to the works of Ian Hamilton, you will be glad you did.

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