
On the Reconciliation of All Things in Heaven and on Earth

A few weeks ago I preached a sermon on Ephesians 1:7-10. The end of verse 10 says that Jesus came to reconcile all things in Heaven and on Earth. The really astonishing thing about this statement is the great difference between sinless, pure, and spotless Heaven and fallen, corrupt, defiled Earth. Everything in Heaven is holy and without corruption, everything on Earth is evil and corrupted. But in Christ, these seemingly irreconcilable spheres are reconciled. Jesus Christ, by His blood redeems a people for Himself. But He also redeems creation (the non-elect excepted) by that blood. One day Heaven will meet Earth and the saints will dwell with Christ in Heaven and on the New Earth. In an attempt to illustrate the seeming impossibility of this kind of reconciliation I made reference to a commercial I had seen the week before–a commercial presented by a group that claimed to be able to reconcile seemingly irreconcilable groups in this life. While the groups in this video will most likely never be reconciled, the things in Heaven and the things on Earth (which are antithetical) will be on account of the death of Christ. Watch and commercial below and see what you think.

2 Responses

  1. Pak Rabani & rekan2 Sejarah Unair yshTerimakasih banyak telah berkenan memuat dan menyebarluaskan tulisan saya di Basis tsb. Jenis dan tipologi aksara bukan sekedar apa yg kita baca sehari-hari belaka, namun juga bisa diteliti latar belakang sosio historis serta politisnya. Semoga bermanfaat, khususnya bagi rekan2 mahasiswa Sejarah Unair. Teriring salam sejarah!

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