
The Tongue of the Dying Thief

In his sermon “The Believing Thief,” C.H. Spurgeon pointed out the remarkable way that the dying thief, who rebuked the other thief on the cross and asked Jesus to remember him, used the one thing he could to glorify Christ. The man had no use of his hands or feet. He could not response with anything but his tongue. Spurgeon explained, “He had no member that was free except his tongue, and he used that member wisely to rebuke his brother malefactor, and defend his Lord.”

It is also interesting to note that the unbelieving thief used the one thing he had to dishonor Christ. He cursed and mocked the Lord with the one member he had. Just as believers use their members as slaves of righteousness, so unbelievers use their members as slaves sin and unrighteousness.

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