
All Good Things Must Come To An End

I finally finished reading my copy of Collin Hansen’s Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journey with the New Calvinists which you can obtain here. Consider my comments as the viewpoint of one old Calvinist. It seems funny saying that since some of the “new Calvinists” have been Calvinists longer than me! As I have told you before, my criticism of the book is its apparent dismissal of those who have been in the way for some time. We may not be very chique, but that is not what we are into. We old Calvinists desire to honor God his way according to his Word. We seek to glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in all that we think and do.

What I do appreciate about Hansen’s book is that he captures the excitement of the new Calvinists quite well. Even though I disagree with my new Calvinist brothers and sisters on some important matters, I am pleased to see what is happening in their circles. I wish I could bottle up that excitement for myself and others in my old Calvinist circles. So perhaps we can teach each other. You new Calvinists share with us your excitement and energy and we old Calvinists will share with you from our wealth of experience and rich theological heritage. My reading of this book inevitably had to come to an end. But our mutual encouragement doesn’t have to.

Once again, may iron sharpen iron.

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