
Bondage to Pornography

Phil Ryken has recently pointed out that John Freeman has written an article, “There is a way, today, to rise from Pornograhy’s Deep Pit,” hoping to give help those who struggle with addiction to pornography. Here is the link to the article in the Philadelphia Daily News.

I would also recommend the article that William Shishko has written for pastors who are battling sinful addictions to pornography. The title of the article is, “Getting Your Head out of the Sand,” and can be found here.

As far as practical helps for freedom from the enslaving sin of internet pornography goes, I would recommend x3watch internet accountability software. Its free, it keeps you accountable, and, as long as you have a good brother (in the case of men, or sister in the case of women) helping to keep you accountable then it is as good a help as you can get. If there is anything questionable they will be notified. If you try to take it off you computer for a time to search for the wrong things they will be notified that the settings have changed. As one brother has said to me, “Its worth it for the glory of God.” You can dowload the software here.

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