
Christological Purpose of the Exodus and Wilderness Experience

Richard J. Clifford points out some of the similarities between the OT experience of Israel in the Exodus and Wilderness, with the experience of believers in Christ in the NT. He writes:

In the Gospels the Exodus appears in the voice of John the Baptist crying in the wilderness and the theme of the Way of the Lord. Matthew and Luke interpret the temptations of Jesus in the light of the Exodus: 40 days in the desert recalls Israel’s 40 years; as Israel was guided by the column of fire so Jesus is guided by the spirit; Jesus unlike Israel does not succumb to temptation; Israel rebelled over food, Jesus subordinates food to the word of God; Israel demanded signs, Jesus refuses to tempt God; rather than worshiping a thing (the golden calf) Jesus declares God alone worthy of adoration. He is the perfect realization of Israel. Paul considers Jesus as the paschal victim immolated for us (1 Corinthians 5:7); in the wonders of the Exodus, he discovers the spiritual realities represented by Christ (! Corinthians 10:1-6). 1 Peter uses images from the Exodus to explain the Church: the blood of the lamb, the call of Christians, light, the pagan life that one must abandon as Israel left idolatrous Egypt, a new people, the law of holiness, submission to God, new worship, the procession toward the homeland. The Gospel of John is a reinterpretation of the Exodus: the paschal lamb, the bread from heaven, water flowing from Christ, the healing of those who look upon the crucified one, the “passage” toward the Father, the Pasch. The Book of Revelation underlines the parallel between the sufferings of the Church and the sufferings of Israel; Christians are heading toward a new Jerusalem.1

1.Wilson, Clifford J. “The Exodus in the Christian Bible: the Case for ‘figural’ Reading” Theologische Realenzykloptidie (TRE) 10.741-45.

7 Responses

  1. Reed DePace

    Nick: good question. I recently did some qucik research on this topic, and came up rather dry. Its not that folks don’t speak of this topic. Its that I could not seem to find any work that tackled this issue in detail.

    What new OPR book?

  2. OPR’s Th.M. thesis that has been recently published under the title “God’s People in the Wilderness.” I think Mentor published it. I did put forth some resources that touch on this subject in this post. It seems like more needs to be done within the Reformed camp on this. I think Kline has some good thoughts on Jesus as true Son of God, the antitype of Adam and Israel. But there is more that can be fleshed out. Let me know if you find anything else Reed!

  3. Reed DePace

    Also, my initial interest came from a need for structuring a “worldviews” course for my daughter(s). The issue of Israel/Church recapitulation is a subset of the Pilgrimage motif that I’m seeking to use to structure this course (along with 2K considerations).

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