
Deacons’ Summit

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is holding their first deacons’ summit next year in Wheaton, IL June 3-5, 2010.  The OPC has a high view of church office – deacons included.  The OPC has even ordained deacons to send into the mission field so that the ministers are able to devote more time to prayer and ministry of the word (cf Acts 6:4).  Ronald E. Pearce writes:

The summit will be a time for deacons to learn better how to effectively minister, to give them an avenue to express their needs, to create networks for resources, and for men to be renewed with a vision of the biblical importance of this holy office. This summit will challenge the diaconal committees of presbyteries to refocus on their calling and role to serve the churches, and also to help them network with other presbyteries. The calling and needs of deacons will be addressed on the local and presbytery levels, in home congregations as well as foreign missions contexts. There will be time for instruction, as well as for open discussions and opportunities to learn from one another.

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