4 Responses

  1. Pingback : In Light of the Gospel » Blog Archive » G. K. Beale to teach at WTS

  2. Matt Holst

    This news is very intereting to me. Some of Beale’s work is unparralled frankly. It is most excellent. But does it not strike you as strange that a Presbyterian Seminary is going to a Baptist (and I don’t mean anything derogatory in that)for teaching on the New Testament’s use of the Old? Am I the only one who sees and obvious theological problem with that?

    Just asking not criticizing.


  3. It’s my understanding that Dr. Beale is a congregationalist. Traditionally, congregationalists practice paedobaptism, though I’m not aware of Dr. Beale’s views on the subject. That being said, there still are church polity differences. This is most likely the reason he was hired as an adjunct professor.

  4. J Griffiths

    I sat under GK Beale in my undergraduate studies in Theology at Grove City College. His Theology is purely Reformed, and the twinkle in his eye shows his joy as he watches the light click on in the minds of those he teaches who are encountering Reformed theology for the first time… He will be an asset of great worth to Westminster, & Machen would be happy to know that he will lecture there.

    The real question, for me, was always, “Why did he accept a position at Wheaton?” — tho I am certain his classes there quietly challenged many to understand the Truth of Scripture from a perspective they’d never seen before, and to recognize the sovreignty of God over all of history, including its details.

    Now, the question is, how can this 45-year-old make it to Philly to sit in on a few classes?!!

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