
Joel Beeke on Abrahamic Intercession

This past Lord’s Day my family and I had the privilege to worship at the church where Dr. Joel Beeke ministers. It turned out that he was preaching morning and evening. Both sermons were phenominal. The morning sermon was on praying not to be led into temptation. The sermon texts were taken from Matt. 6 and Matt. 26. It was an experiential exposition of the sixth petition of the Lord’s prayer and the teaching of our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. Dr. Beeke emphasized man’s weakness and the fact that the Bible does not hide this truth. He then preached the sufficiency of Christ as a mighty King and Savior. The Gospel was certainly preached with power.

In the evening he preached on Abraham’s intercessional prayer found in Genesis 18. I found this to be a very challenging sermon. But, in Beeke like fashion, he again lifted up the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. He explained how Christ is the true intercessor who makes intercession on behalf of His people. It is for the sake of One righteous Man that God delivers us from the fires, not of Sodom, but of hell. It is because He went through the judgment of God on our behalf that we will not perish. Beeke also showed that God really did answer Abraham’s prayer because He gave him his hearts desire, that is, the deliverance of Lot. On top of all this the sermon srved as a platform for missions and praying for the persecuted church. This was a sermon to be remembered and cherished. You can find it here.

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