
Law/Gospel Distinction in Calvin

I spent time reading through the Institutes yesterday, looking for Calvin’s teaching on typology. In the process, I discovered an entire chapter on Calvin’s view of the relationship between the Two Testaments–and between the Law and the Gospel. I either never focused on what I was reading when I read the Institutes in seminary, or I simply skipped over it. Whatever the case, it is sheer gold. You can read it here.

3 Responses

  1. Liam Galligan

    Nick (and Kevin),

    I have just started digging into this myself. I never caught it when i was with you guys “down south”, and we haven’t covered it at NGTS either. There is a compendium out from WTS west and a response from Northwest Theological Seminary that is pretty strong. I haven’t gotten either yet, but am hoping to. The differences seem very nuanced but nonetheless important.

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