
On Dying Well

The dying words of many of the Scottish Covenanters are recorded in James Thomson’s A Cloud of Witnesses. One such record is that of the dying words of James Renwick (pronounced “Renick”). Renwick was the last of the Covenanter martyrs.  The old Methodist ministers were fond of saying, “He who would die well must live well.” Renwick is an example of one who died well because he lived well. Here is what he wrote at the conclusion of his dying testimony:

Farewell beloved suffers and followers of the Lamb. Farewell Christian intimates. Farewell Christian and comfortable mother and sisters. Farewell sweet societies. Farewell desirable meetings. Farewell night wanderings, cold and weariness for Christ. Farewell sweet Bible and preaching of the Gospel. Farewell sun, moon and stars, and all sublunary things. Farewell conflicts with a body of death. Welcome scaffold for precious Christ. Welcome heavenly Jerusalem. Welcome innumerable company of angels. Welcome General Assembly and church of the firstborn. Welcome crown of glory, white robes, and song of Moses and the Lamb. And, above all, welcome thou blessed Trinity and One God! O Eternal One, I commit my spirit into Thy eternal rest!

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