
R.C. Sproul’s Successor(s)

One of the big questions floating around the Reformed world has been, “Who will replace R.C. Sproul when he retires from his leadership role at Ligonier Ministries?” Sproul has been the face of Ligonier for nearly 40 years (since 1971). On account of the fact that Dr. Sproul is one of the brightest and most articulate men of our times, finding one individual to carry on the ministry is an impractical task. It is on account of this, as well as the new venture of the Ligonier Academy, that Ligonier has announced that its four teaching fellows will be Dr. Sproul’s successors. The current teaching fellows are Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steve Lawson and R.C. Sproul Jr. You can read Chris Larson’s announcement here.

1 Response

  1. Sam

    The Ligonier article you link to included the update:
    Note: Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr.’s tenure as a teaching fellow concluded at the end of 2016.

    In light of RC Jr’s numerous scandals, including his Ashley Madison account scandal in 2015 and his felony drunk driving conviction in December 2016, we can count our blessings that he didn’t wind up as a successor to his father’s ministry. Ligonier Ministries is in good hands.

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