
R.C. Sproul on the Manhattan Declaration

Here is a recent post over at Ligonier Ministries website, outlining the reasons why R.C. Sproul did not sign the Manhattan Declaration. Among the reasons he articulates are authorial intent and the nature of the Gospel. He writes:

“At least one of the document’s framers, Mr. Colson, sees the Manhattan Declaration as a way to revitalize the church in America. In his commentary on November 25, Mr. Colson said the Manhattan Declaration is “a form of catechism for the foundational truths of the faith.” He suggests that the Manhattan Declaration is an antidote to “biblical and doctrinal ignorance” within the church. However, true reformation and revival within the church and the winning of our culture to Christ will come only through the power of the Holy Spirit and our clear, bold proclamation of the biblical gospel, not through joint ecumenical statements that equivocate on the most precious truths given to us. There is no other gospel than that which has already been given (Gal. 1:6–8).”

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