The Acts of the Ascended Christ
New Covenant Presbyterian Church had its first morning worship service yesterday. We began a series on the book of Acts. The first sermon was titled “The Acts of the Ascended Christ.”The text was Acts 1:1-11. You can watch the video below.
Hey Nick
Is that a tie I see around your neck? 😉
So much good stuff, Nick. I like your statement about the title. Do you see the outline as flowing out of Chapter 1’s statement “Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria and the Ends of the Earth”? Outline. Luke-Acts is a chiasm (I think) outline
Yes Matt, I have broadened by phylacteries.
Robert, thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I think the that verse you mentioned does set the stage for the remainder of the book (chs. 1-12 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and chs. 13-28 the end of the earth). Is this what you are asking?
I just read a fantastic Ph.D. thesis by this guy McCominsky who said Acts (and Luke) is outlined in columns, large parallel sections. I put up a table mock-up on my site. http://reformedword.org/Outline_of_Acts