
The Gospel and the Manhattan Document

The Manhattan Declaration is a document that should be given the most serious consideration by all professing Christians. When a group influential religious leaders initiate a movement that would help raise opposition against legalized abortion, homosexual rights, and religious intolerance we should be willing to listen and consider joining in. But, there are other factors that should be weighed carefully in regard to the language, associations, and significance of the document. While there are certainly powerful arguments in favor of supporting the signing of the document, there are theologically driven arguments that should make us stop and think whether or not there is better route. I would personally like to see individuals who care deeply about these issues voice their opinion in a non-ecumenical consortium to bring about change. Why not encourage concerned American (who happen to be be Protestant, Eastern Orthoox and Roman Catholic) to join forces with any other concerned Americans to initiate “Centers for Civil Righteousness?” Why not join forces on a non-eccleciastical, non-ecumenical endeavor to promote ethical reform in America? Why muddy the waters of the Gospel with ethical unanimity on these three issues?

5 Responses

  1. I think it would be interesting to see a document that stressed the second use of the law rather than the 1st and 3rd. Seems a bit like the old “cart before the horse” to expect the world to listen to us expound the Law for practical application before expounding the Law in such a way to drive one to Christ and the Gospel.

  2. Nicholas T. Batzig

    Just for the record, I do not agree with many of the sentiments expressed here. I do believe that these three issues are weightier matters of the law (if I can borrow the phrase) than those mentioned in the said article. But I still think there must be a more effective, and less ecclesiastical, approach from those who hold these concerns. I would gladly support a movement to unify concerned citizens of this country–whether they are Christians, Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jews Muslims, etc. Just no ecumenical, ecclesiastical statements please.

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