
The Seed of the Woman Taught by the Seed of the Serpent

Yesterday I had an interesting encounter with a young man, from a Christian home, who had many serious questions about God, Christ, sin and salvation. I think that I was able to answer many of his questions in a way that was honoring to God. There were times when I could tell that things were sitting well with him, and other times when they did not seem to satisfy a heart and mind that had been taught many different things. As I drove home, thinking of some of the questions he raised (all of which were based on things that he had read or heard somewhere), I thought to myself, “Satan is far more subtle that we can imagine.'” When I arrived at home, I happened onto Martin Downes’ blog and came across this post. The thing with which I was most struck was the language that Downes used to describe what is happening when believers sit under liberal theology professors. He put it this way: “It is the seed of the woman, being taught by the seed of the serpent.” What a striking way to put this fact. We need to be on gaurd, holding fast the word of truth, so that we will be “pulling down strong holds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself agains the knowledge of God.”

1 Response

  1. Timothy Dietz

    …and take every thought captive to obey Christ”. Thanks for this encouragement to be ready in season and out of season to teach with patience.

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