
Vanguard Magazine Online

I recently happened across a critique of a prominent Pentecostal movement in America (due to the lamentable indoctrination of a good friend). In doing so, I discovered this very helpful magazine a group of British professors, pastors, and teachers had been publishing for a number of years. The purpose of the magazine was to raise awareness, in the Christian community, of false teaching and movements towards apostasy in the church today. I found the reviews by Neil Richardson to be exceptionally helpful. The last issue published in Vanguard Magazine was in 2007 and was an introduction to the work of Brian McLarin, one of the principle leaders in the emergent church movement. There was also a Oct 2004 issue dedicated to an examination of the teaching of Steve Chalke–the man who claimed that the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement was “cosmic child abuse.” You can find all the available issues online here. With the exception of their views on ethnic Israel in the New Covenant it seems that the Vanguard group has some valuable things to say.

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