
Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism: What Do they Mean?

I wanted to pass on the link to a review I found a few years ago in the Princeton Theological Review of 1864. This was a review of a book written to explain the significance and connection between water and spirit baptism. The writer points out that there are two types of spirit baptism mentioned in Scripture and two types of water baptism mentioned. The review is a critique of Robert Macnair’s book, Christian Baptism Spiritual not Ritual, in which the author argues that water baptism is no longer necessary. This is an interesting piece in church history and a brief consideration of a very significant, yet often misunderstood, topic. You can access it here.

1 Response

  1. God sends us His Holy Spirit in the water…and the Word.

    When faith comes (by hearing)…then Baptism is complete. And this is not a one time event, but happens over and over and over…as we repent and return to our Baptisms (daily…or more often than that)

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