
John Piper’s Not-So-Funny Talk

A friend pointed me to a post on Justin Taylor’s blog concerning John Piper’s talk at the American Association of Christian Counselors. In the course of his talk the crowd just laughed and laughed and kept on laughing at what Piper was saying–even when it was serious, reverent and meant to be taken seriously. I have never seen or heard and example like this. I suppose it is indicative of the overall attitude of the American church. I guess that there are lots of jokes in pulpits all across America. But how prevalent must it be to engender such untimely audience laughter? You can listen to the talk here. You can read Justin’s thoughts here.

HT: Justin Taylor

2 Responses

  1. Timothy

    Wow, that’s painful to listen to. Agreed that this could be indicative of the overall attitude of the American church. C.S. Lewis wrote about flippancy in one of the letters in The Screwtape Letters. He probably didn’t imagine it to that extent, or certainly in such a setting as a sermon.

  2. This was really strange. Piper repeatedly told them how perplexed he was and they kept thinking it was part of a shtick. The first comment did sound somewhat intentionally funny. However, it quickly turned very serious yet the crowd didn’t catch on.

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