
Mark Driscoll’s Nightline Interview on Idolatry

Here is the link to the video interview that Mark Driscoll did with ABC’s Nightline. The subject on which he was interviewed was “Idolatry.” I for one am thankful that God is using men like Driscoll to speak biblical truth on national television. We should pray for our brother as he faithfully proclaims the Gospel to a perishing world.

7 Responses

  1. Not bad, but Driscoll, like SO many others fails to understand the distinction between the First and Second Commandments. He thinks he is talking about the Second Commandment, but he is really talking about the First.

  2. Nicholas T. Batzig

    True! But you have to admit that it is an interesting phenomena to see Nightline addressing and entertaining this issue. My biggest dissappointment with it all is that it says nothing about Jesus destroying idolatry. I am sure Driscoll spoke about Christ, as I know that he is committed to proclaiming the Gospel–especially in the public venue–but the Nightline executives probably ha then leave that part out. That way a Jew or Muslim could agree with what Driscoll was saying. Check out the video of him on the Nightline panel discussing the existence of Satan. He was faithfully bringing it back to the finished work of Christ.

  3. Nicholas T. Batzig

    True! But you have to admit that it is an interesting phenomena to see Nightline addressing and entertaining this issue. My biggest dissappointment with it all is that it says nothing about Jesus destroying idolatry. I am sure Driscoll spoke about Christ, as I know that he is committed to proclaiming the Gospel–especially in the public venue–but the Nightline executives probably had them leave that part out. That way a Jew or Muslim could agree with what Driscoll was saying. Check out the video of him on the Nightline panel discussing the existence of Satan. He was faithfully bringing it back to the finished work of Christ.

  4. Nicholas T. Batzig

    True! But you have to admit that it is an interesting phenomena to see Nightline addressing and entertaining this issue. My biggest dissappointment with it all is that it says nothing about Jesus destroying idolatry. I am sure Driscoll spoke about Christ, as I know that he is committed to proclaiming the Gospel–especially in the public venue–but the Nightline executives probably had them leave that part out. That way a Jew or Muslim could agree with what Driscoll was saying. Check out the video of him on the Nightline panel discussing the existence of Satan. He was faithfully bringing it back to the finished work of Christ.

  5. Matt Holst


    What a terrible way to boost the number of comments on your blog. Leaving your entry 3 times – whatever next?


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